While you are in Montreal, we try our bests to arrange some social activities such that participants can spend more time together in a more casual context. In the comments below, we list some activities proposed for Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and we invite all (the in-person) participants to join us. The arrangement for the Wednesday's event is already made. However, to make reservations for Monday and Friday, see the following comments and kindly fill in the poll by the proposed deadline, which allows us to adjust the arrangements. To fill in the poll or leave a comment, please log in, so we can keep track of those interested in the activity. We will also share information on the local activities and events, in case you would like to try them in your spare time. We also welcome any suggestions from the participants about gatherings with the others to discuss math or to socialize in the evenings. If you like to propose a collective activity or wish to share some information on a social event, please use the comment box below.

We have planned a social event on Wednesday afternoon (July 6th) starting at 16:30 EDT at a restaurant/garden. Here is the link to the location (https://mcauslan.com/en/terrace/about/).
All participants are invited to join us (and bring a guest or two). We share further information on the event during the school. For the more casual gatherings proposed for Monday and Friday evenings, please see the other comments below.
We (the organizers) are planning to end the school with a Supper gathering on Friday evening (July 8th), tentatively between 19:30- 21:30 EDT. If the situation allows, we go to a rooftop patio or a restaurant within walking distance from downtown Montreal.
In the summertime of Montreal, making a reservation for a large group, particularly for a Friday evening, is a formidable task! Therefore, if you are interested in joining us, please login and fill in the poll below by Wednesday morning (July 6th) and no later than 8:00 EDT.
*Please note that we will not have any control over the diversity of the menu, prices or quality of the food. However, we do our best to find a reasonable place that is affordable and offers a relatively diverse range of options (such as vegetarian food, etc.). **You are more than welcome to bring up to two guests, but please reflect that in your response to the poll. ***We make every effort to hold the gathering at one spot. However, if the total number of people goes above 15, we may need to split into two smaller groups, so can make some reservations.
Fill in this poll ONLY if you are joining for the Friday Supper (on July 8th). If you have any guests, please indicate that.
I will join for the supper
I will join and bring ONE guest
I will join and bring TWO guests
If you are interested in a Walk and/or Supper in the Old Montreal area on Monday evening (July 4th), tentatively between 19:00- 21:30 EDT, please login and fill in the poll below by Monday 13:00 EDT. After a stroll in the touristic Old Montreal, about 20:30 we will give a visit to Poincaré (https://poincarechinatown.com/) to have supper/drink together.
*You are more than welcome to bring up to two guests, and please indicate that in your response to the poll, so we can make adjustment in our reservation. **If the total number of people goes above 10, we can split into smaller groups, so the walk will not turn into a march 😀
Fill in this poll ONLY if you are joining for the walk and/or supper. Moreover, if you have any guests, please choose the correct option.
I join for the Walk ONLY
I join for the Supper ONLY
I join for the Walk & Supper
I will bring ONE guest and we join for the Walk ONLY